How often to water succulents: an easy guide to each situation


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As both houseplants and outdoor garden accents, succulent plants are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. They are eye-catching plants with beautiful foliage.

In addition, their dense, shapely leaves store water, making them drought-tolerant and self-sufficient plants. Aside from its little maintenance, one of the most enticing qualities of succulent plants is their variety of shapes, textures, colors, and heights.

How frequently water succulents is an essential consideration for their success. While they do not require as much upkeep and care as other florae, they require careful watering management. On the other hand, they may not require as much watering as many believe.

Knowing what signals to look for when considering how often to water succulents is critical to their survival. Check out our suggestions for keeping succulent plants healthy and thirsty no matter where they are planted.

How do you tell if a succulent needs water?

When a succulent requires water, two factors must be considered: the season and the succulent itself. Succulents, like all plants, develop more under certain situations and less in others. The succulent grows throughout the warmer months. You should utilize the soak-and-dry procedure once every two weeks at this point.

Conversely, succulents hibernate during the cooler months and don’t need as much water. This is when reading the plant’s signs will be more important than sticking to a schedule.

First and foremost, never water a succulent until the soil is entirely dry from top to bottom, regardless of the season. Suppose you’re having difficulties determining that on your own. There are a handful of basic methods to try.

You can use a moisture meter to estimate the moisture level in your soil, or you can rely on the weight of the pot. You’ll have a good feel for how the succulent pot feels in your hands when it’s suitably hydrated and when it needs a drink over time. Then, when you take up the pot later, and it weighs almost nothing, you know your plant is ready for a swim!

You’ll notice that the soil takes longer to dry out during the colder months, so don’t water until it does—even if it means waiting a month. The wilting of leaves is another symptom to look for. This usually signals that the succulent is drying out and needs to be hydrated.

But, again, during the plant’s dormant period, this could take more than two weeks, so be patient and listen to what it’s telling you. You’ll be able to maintain succulents alive all year effectively.

Considerations for succulent soil

We can’t talk about water without first talking about soil. Succulents have short root systems and prefer well-draining soil. It makes no difference what your watering schedule is if water is allowed to pool in a container for a lengthy period, oversaturating roots. The plant will die because the roots rot.

Plant succulents in nutrient-rich, loose, rocky soil for the most outstanding results. Use a potting mix specifically made for succulents and cacti for planting succulents in containers and put them in a pot with drainage holes at the bottom.

How often to water succulents indoors?

Indoor succulent plants should probably be watered once a week. This is because they require time for the water to be stored in their leaves and for the soil to dry between waterings. Use these indoor succulent plant watering ideas and strategies.

  • Making use of a watering can help with a modest pour nozzle.
  • Apply water to the succulent plant’s center until it is completely soaked.
  • Allow water to drain completely through the holes in the pot. If there is a saucer underneath the plant, empty any water that drips through the soil into it.
  • Avoid wetting the leaves to prevent top-down rot because there will be insufficient heat and fresh breeze to dry the leaves when planted indoors.
  • Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.

How often to water succulents outdoors?

It’s critical always to keep an eye on your succulent plants. They will show clear signs about when and when not to water them. For example, if the soil is still wet, you should not water the plant regardless of the duration. On the other hand, if the soil is very dry and the succulent plant leaves appear shriveled or dry, it’s time to water it.

How often to water succulents in containers?

  • Water the succulent plant’s base until the soil is completely soaked.
  • Allow water to drain completely through the holes in the pot. If a collection plate is beneath the plant, empty any water seeping into the soil.
  • Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.
  • If heavy rain is forecast, relocate pots to a more protected spot.

How often to water succulents in-ground?

  • Reduce watering during the fall and winter to allow succulents to survive the cold.
  • Succulents are particularly prone to frost damage during winter when the soil is saturated.
  • Plants will require more regular watering throughout the hottest days of the growing season.
  • Water plants generously, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.

How much water do succulents need?

Succulents are enjoyable and straightforward to grow as long as they are adequately cared for. However, people make overwatering succulent plants is one of the most common mistakes.

Succulent comes from the Latin root sucus, which means sap or moisture. Hence water is essential for these plants. However, balance is necessary for succulent plant development.

Succulent plants frequently convey how frequently they need to be watered depending on the appearance of their leaves and soil. Pay close attention. Watering succulents too frequently will result in the plant drowning.

They may wither and die if not adequately hydrated. Once you’ve found the sweet spot for how often to water succulents, you’ll have thriving plants that ooze beauty and charm for years to come.


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